Treatment Modalities


This therapy is used to treat a variety of acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain problems.

Pain arising from instability of the neck, shoulder, TMJ, thoracic, lumbar, knee, wrist, ankle and foot respond well to this modality.

The instability exists because of laxity of the ligaments and or tendon tears.

Most commonly,  a solution containing dextrose is injected in the affected ligament and or tendon to initiate the healing cascade.

Over a period of 6 weeks, the body heals the area by releasing a cascade of cytokines, neurotransmitters and growth factors to form an immature collagen matrix which will mature over 4 months to a year.  Once the stability of the affected area is reestablished, pain is relieved.  The body no longer needs to rely on tension and spasm of muscles to maintain joint stability.  Muscles are joint supporters and not designed like ligaments to be long term stabilizers. Muscles in constant spastic contraction will begin to atrophy over time increasing joint laxity and inviting osteoarthritis. Improvement is usually seen within 3-6 treatment sessions. The healthier, the younger the patient the faster the improvements.  However, typically, a healthy octogenarian will fare better than a 20-year-old smoker.

In our practice, prior to starting a regimen of prolotherapy and prior to each treatment session, Osteopathic Manipulation is implemented.

This serves a dual purpose.  The Osteopathic Manipulation helps to more precisely diagnose the impaired area and also to reset it to a better position to enhance healing.  Dr. Still the founder of Osteopathy believed that if structure was improved so would function of the entire body. Mesotherapy and Neural therapy are also used as needed to complement Prolotherapy. Patients are encouraged to follow a healthy nutritional program especially avoiding sugar to promote healing.


A technique discovered by Dr. Pistor in 1952, originating in France. Precise injections using very small needles and dilute solutions which are placed in the superficial skin dermis. Promotes local and remote healing by improving capillary, venule and lymphatic flow.

Treats the connective tissue.

Used to treat:

  1. Aging skin and cellulite.
  2. Painful musculoskeletal conditions. Sciatica.
    Trauma /mild sprains, tendonitis, strains, Inflammation of muscles or joints, will respond to mesotherapy 80% success in 2-3 treatments
    Treatment of degenerative disease of the locomotor system:
    It intervenes at the level of degeneration of the bone cells to favor regeneration improving bone health and decreasing pain.
  3. Lymphatic and circulatory issues.
    Treatment of Raynaud’s and arteritis:  embryologic origin of the middle lining of large vessels and the vaso-active micro-circulation effect of the connective tissue.
    Treatment of leg cramps heaviness in legs due to venous insufficiency by treating lymphatic system of the connective tissue
  4. Headaches and Migraines.
    Treatment of migraines: It’s effect on the micro-circulation, the intima of the vessels and the vasoactive property of the small vessel contribute to it’s efficacy in treating migraines.
  5. Recurrent and chronic infections like tonsilitis,bronchitis and otitis.
    Prevention of upper respiratory and ENT issues: such as recurrent pharyngitis, chronic bronchitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma etc…
    It improves the general defenses because of the link between connective tissue and immunity.

Neural Therapy

A technique which involves injections into the epidermal layer of the skin to eliminate aberrant autonomic system stimulation stemming from scar tissue.

Scar tissue can act as a disruptor which interferes with healing.

Osteopathic Manipulation Therapy

Techniques based on the work of Andrew Still MD to treat and diagnose somatic dysfunctions. The myofascial, musculoskeletal and nervous system make up the somatic system of the body. When these structures are impaired, there is pain, tenderness and restricted range of motion. Manual treatments of various structures like the cranium, brain, arteries, fascia, muscles, bones, nerves and organs help to reestablish order and improve healing. Improve Structure=Improve Function.

In our practice some of the techniques used include:

  • Cranial Osteopathy
  • Chapman reflexes
  • Myofascial Techniques
  • Visceral Manipulation-Jean Pierre Barral
  • Thermal Diagnosis
  • Endocranial spasms- Philippe Druelle


Homeopathic medicines are made from natural substances of animal, plant and minerals. They are diluted and succussed to establish potency.

The more dilute, the higher the potency and the deeper the effect. Homeopathy strives to treat the whole body not just the symptoms.

In our practice we treat using:

  • Classical Homeopathy
  • Homotoxicology : A bridge between Classical Homeopathy and Medicine.

Homotoxicology was discovered by Hans Reckeweg MD in 1952. He believed that disease was the expression of the body's attempt to get rid of toxins.

No toxins = No disease

He formulated his Combination Homeopathic Remedies to support the organs and the process of elimination in order to rid the body of toxicity.

Diet and Nutritional Counseling

Healthy lifestyle, diet and eating habits go hand in hand with preventing illness, disease and maintaining good health.

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Hours of Operation


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1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm